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Relevant Trainings for Kin Caregivers and Those Who Work with Them

A white granddaughter, grandmother, and grandfather sit at a table together and smile as they color. The child is in the grandmother's lap and they are smiling at each other

These trainings and curricula have not been reviewed or evaluated by the Grandfamilies & Kinship Support Network or Generations United and are not endorsed by these organizations. This list is provided as a source of information for individuals seeking training information for kinship families and those who serve them. The free resources are listed first under each heading.

Training Curricula for Kinship Caregivers

  • National Training & Development Curriculum (NTDC), “a new curriculum that is based on research and input from experts, families who have experience with fostering or adopting children, and former foster and adoptive youth.” Also adapted for Native families.  Free 
  • Resource Parent Curriculum, the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN), “a centralized resource for providers and resource parents who are using or interested in using Caring for Children Who Have Experienced Trauma: A Workshop for Resource Parents in their communities.”  Free 
  • Caring for Our Own, “a 9 week, 27-hour support group provides kinship caregivers with ideas to help them work with the helping network, children and birth parents.” Contact to learn more.  Fee-based 
  • Foster Parent College, “interactive multimedia training courses for adoptive, kinship and foster parents.”  Fee-based 
  • Model Approach to Partnerships in Parenting (MAPP), Children’s Alliance of Kansas, “The MAPP approach rests on four cornerstone principles to promote foster and adoptive parent readiness.”  Fee-based 
  • Parenting A Second Time Around (PASTA), “a facilitator training for professionals working with grandparent/caregiver relatives.” Fee-based 

Training Curricula for Kinship Service Providers

  • Engaging Kinship Caregivers with Dr. Joseph Crumbley, Annie E. Casey Foundation, a series of video modules to “strengthen the skills of child welfare professionals in supporting families to improve outcomes for children.”  Free 
  • Grandfamilies 101, This basic training for professionals who are new to serving kinship/grandfamilies, prepared by Network partner ZERO TO THREE.  Free
  • National Training Initiative (NTI),training for child welfare and mental health professionals supporting foster, adoptive and guardianship families.  Free 
  • Traditions of Caring & Collaborating, Child Welfare League of America, staff training focused on competencies needed to address issues of concern for kinship families and agency staff who work with them such as legal status, financial support, family relationship, health and mental health and child behavior. Fee-based 
  • University of Maine, Certificate in Grandfamilies Leadership, This online certificate program is comprised of 11 modules delivered over a 14-week period using a cohort model.  The curriculum is for professionals working in a variety of social services providing supports to grandfamilies. Fee-based

Training Curricula for Both Caregivers and Service Providers

  • The Inherent Strengths in Kinship Families, Dr. Joseph Crumbley, a training series developed for kinship caregivers and professionals that takes a strength-based perspective in outlining different topics that are unique to kinship families and providing strategies for caregivers.  Fee-based 

Curricula for Kinship Caregiver Support Groups

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