What is Technical Assistance?

Technical assistance is a term that encompasses everything we do at the Grandfamilies & Kinship Support Network at Generations United. We utilize a team of Network staff, partners, and subject matter experts to address your questions, develop tools and resources, and connect you to peers and information you need to best serve kinship/grandfamilies. We support policy and program leaders and direct service professionals at the array of government agencies and nonprofit organizations in states, tribes, and territories that serve kinship/grandfamilies. These agencies and organizations include:
- Aging
- Child welfare
- Disability
- Education
- Housing
- Nutrition
- Medicaid and Medicare
- Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
- Kinship navigators
- Community- and faith-based organizations focused on supporting kinship/ grandfamilies

Our umbrella of technical assistance provides professionals with opportunities to engage in learning, enhance quality of services, and build capacity to better serve kinship/ grandfamilies. Learn more about how we provide technical assistance.
Read some of the recent questions from the field that our technical assistance team has addressed.