Kinship Peer Mentoring
Kinship peer mentoring can provide a sense of support and understanding to kin caregivers who wish to learn from someone who has experienced a similar caregiving situation.
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Showing 1–10 of 41 results
Kinship peer mentoring can provide a sense of support and understanding to kin caregivers who wish to learn from someone who has experienced a similar caregiving situation.
Key takeaways from the fifth of five learning community sessions for social service professionals who want to improve outreach to kin caregivers
Key takeaways from the fourth of five learning community sessions for social service professionals who want to improve outreach to kin caregivers
Key takeaways from the third of five learning community sessions for social service professionals who want to improve outreach to kin caregivers
Key takeaways from the second of five learning community sessions for social service professionals who want to improve outreach to kin caregivers
Key takeaways from the first of five learning community sessions for social service professionals who want to improve outreach to kin caregivers
Many nonprofits and government agencies seek to reach and serve more kinship/grandfamilies throughout their communities. This tip sheet lists some key strategies for doing that.
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) plays a vital role in reducing hunger, malnutrition, and poverty and improving family economic security, child and adult health, employment, and other social determinants of health.
When children cannot remain in their parents’ care, research shows they do best with grandparents or other kin caring for them.
The National Indian Child Welfare Association (NICWA) created this resource as a tip sheet for service providers to share with relatives/kin caring for Native children.