Working with previously untapped community partners helps kinship-serving agencies to better empower and sustain kinship families. The Grandfamilies & Kinship Support Network hosted a webinar on June 13, 2023 with a panel representing national organizations – including Family Resource Centers – that have local programming in communities across the country. They shared how and why they began supporting kinship families and provide you with strategies for approaching untapped collaborators and working with them in your communities. Please listen to the webinar recording to learn more!
By expanding your partnerships, you can reach a wider array of kinship families and offer them additional services, while your new partners learn more about kinship families and expand their service reach too. It’s a win-win!
Assessing the needs of kinship/grandfamilies is critical to providing relevant services, capitalizing on their strengths, and helping them overcome their challenges. Explore kinship assessments through…