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Heidi Redlich Epstein

Director of Kinship Policy and State Projects

American Bar Association Center on Children and the Law

Heidi Redlich Epstein is the director of Kinship Policy and State Projects at the ABA Center on Children and the Law. Heidi helped develop and co-manages, a national website of kinship laws and resources, in partnership with Casey Family Programs and Generations United. She also provides training and technical assistance on kinship issues and co-authored the National Model Foster Family Home Licensing Standards. In her State Projects work, Heidi manages the Permanency Barriers Project and Trial Skills for Child Welfare Professionals and provides technical assistance and legal training to judges, attorneys, and social service professionals on various permanency issues.  Prior to her work at the ABA, Heidi was a Law Guardian for Legal Aid of Maryland and a residential social worker in upstate New York. She received her JD and MSW from the University of Buffalo.